When I was in my teens, my mom caught me masturbating with a vibrator which I had bought in a sex shop. She was absolutely furious with me and called me a slot. It put a huge rift in between us, and since that day we have not had the best of relationships. It was not the reason I soon left and joined London escorts, but I think it was a contributing factor. Like so many other cheap outcall escorts, I had a rather time when I was growing up.
I think that many people still have a problem with accepting female sexuality. Women who enjoy sex seem to be judged in a totally different way to men who enjoy sex. It is hard to say why that it is, but society is still very judgmental towards women who are sexually provocative or like to have sex. Most girls who work for London escorts have found themselves in that situation. As a matter of fact, I don’t think London escorts are the only ones to experience those kinds of judgmental attitudes.
It is easy to think that sexual liberation helped to empower women sexually. It may have done so in some countries around the world such as the Scandinavian countries, but I don’t think it worked in the UK. My mom grew up in a home which was not very sexually liberated at all. In the 60s and early 70s in the UK, married women were the only ones who had access to the Pill. I worked with a couple of Swedish girls at our London escorts service and they think the attitude towards sex in the UK is a bit weird.
On the one hand, we are very sexually liberated. We are into Swinging and stuff like that, and I know a few London escorts who go to sex parties. But has the culture changed a lot in the rest of society? I am not sure that it has and even some of the men I date at London escorts are not that sexually liberated. They find it hard to share their dreams and fetishes with their partners. We talk sex up a lot, but are we really that good at enjoying it?
Dating London escorts is often seen as a liberal experience. I guess it is in a way, but the fact that we have London escorts at all, says something about the attitude towards sex in the UK. Out of all of the European capitals, London has the most escorts per capita. I often wonder why that is and if we should not be taking a look at why men like to date London escorts. We date both local and visiting gents to London, but on average, I would say that more English men like to date London escorts. It would be interesting to know why they feel they can share some of their more intimate secrets with escorts in London and not their partners.